UPDATE - I saw a beagle and I also saw a sort of ghoulish type face with it's mouth wide open and I saw a bear but that was only after my neighbor pointed it out to me. She could only see the bear. So, it seems the dog/beagle and the bear are the common theme. I can make out another face too but only from the nose up. It sort of reminded me of the ink blot test and I wanted to share with my blogging buddies.

A few days back, I posted a
photo of my son standing on our ginormous pile of mulch. As I was looking at the photo, I noted the tree in the background and a spot on that tree that had a limb cut off. I saw something there, actually I could see three different things when I looked at the "stump" of that limb. I'd be curious to hear what you all see and if it matches what I see. I even polled my neighbors and one saw something I didn't.
If you get a chance, let me know.