I am posting my photos, it seems, in fits and spurts and am trying not to get too uptight about the fact that I can't seem to get to my blog on a daily basis. I know that once we are done with the beginning of the school year activities and the housebreaking/training of the puppy, I will get more time. Plus, I am committed to making sure I am done my work day by dinnertime. These past 6-7 months, I have been typing in the evening too which just doesn't bode well with blogging.
So, without further delay, here are some photos "in a clump" - I've been taking pictures on an almost daily basis, however I do still have a fair amount from vacation that I want to post too.

No swimming flag raised on the beaches while Hurricane Danny was out at sea.

This photo is an oldie from April 24 of this year showing the first meeting of our two dogs.

This is our two dogs now playing together.

The bigger seagull was not about to share his pretzel find with the smaller gull.

My son and husband assembling our beach cabana.