I have been away for a few days chaperoning my kids at their annual week-long marching band camp out of state. I am so thankful to be home. We were in cabins in the 90+ degree heat with lots of bugs, dirt, a mouse, and a fair amount of high school girl "drama". There is truly no place like home.

The entire marching band learning the very first marching steps for the 2009 field show.

Marching for four hours in 95 degree heat is tough, so the kids are sprayed with cool water when they come off the field for their water breaks.

When driving the other day, there was a herd of cows cooling off in a small pond. So, I pulled the car over and got out to take their picture. I thought this one looked very concerned that I was there....

This bird flew overhead. It was very far away so I couldn't tell if it was a hawk or an eagle. Now that I have cropped and zoomed a bit, I think it is just a hawk.