The entire marching band learning the very first marching steps for the 2009 field show.

Marching for four hours in 95 degree heat is tough, so the kids are sprayed with cool water when they come off the field for their water breaks.

When driving the other day, there was a herd of cows cooling off in a small pond. So, I pulled the car over and got out to take their picture. I thought this one looked very concerned that I was there....

This bird flew overhead. It was very far away so I couldn't tell if it was a hawk or an eagle. Now that I have cropped and zoomed a bit, I think it is just a hawk.
girl drama, it's everywhere i guess, haha.
Since you haven't been around to notice, I've been absent as well. But mine was enforced! WiFi had something "taken out" in a severe T-storm we had the late evening of the 5th. And the server was working really hard to get caught up because the storms we've had over the past few weeks have played havoc with their equipment. We were finally connected yesterday afternoon, and like you, I'm trying to play catch-up. You always do well with your photos, with the composition, colors, lighting, textures, everything is good. You manage to capture great scenes too. I love the expressions on some of the faces! :D
Time does not permit that I reply to each of your post, but I have browsed your site to enjoy them all.
Welcome back.
Great photo's, Dot!!
Sounds like you have been BUSY!!
Take care
OMG marching in such a heat! But the pictures are great - this with the cows fantastic!!
Fantastic shots !! I loved the cow looking out..Great post..Unseen Rajasthan
Band camp always seems to fall on the hottest week! Love the cow shot!
Band camp sounds like an experience! Great shots, I especially like the cow's expression.
I'm glad to hear that you survived!
I don't know, that's looking like an eagle to me. Of course, I have absolutely no knowledge of birds.
That makes me miss high school marching band! I was the drum majorette back in the day (okay, like... three years ago, lol). I definitely don't miss the heat though!
Dot - thanx for your sap comment - I just cracked up. Others are laughing too.
What a great chaperone to stay in those conditions - especially the mouse - eeekkkk !!!!
Have a great week my blogging friend!!!
Hi, Dot. I'd take 90+ heat over girl drama any day--but to have both?! I'll bet you are glad to be home! The cow photo is my favorite, I think they have such gentle-looking eyes.
I'm fairly certain that the bird is a turkey vulture. They don't have as pretty faces as eagles, but they soar just as beautifully.
Band camp is grueling work! Love the cow and the hawk!
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