My sister has a bird feeder outside her sun room. I was visiting yesterday and there were so many different birds there, however I thought Mrs. Cardinal looked the sweetest... Mr. Cardinal was busy watching from afar. I'll post his pic another time.
This is what the mailbox looked like when my hubby gave it to me for my birthday four years ago. I am now renovating the wood parts as I described in yesterday's photo entry.
This mailbox used to be shaped just like a beagle. The box is metal and all the beagle appendages were wood. However, the wood rotted. All new and freshly painted beagle parts will be replaced when the warmer weather returns. I will furnish an updated photo when the "renovation" work is completed.
I tied this on my tree when the young man across the street from me went to Iraq two years ago and vowed to keep it there until his return. He came back safely last year but I can't seem to remove it yet - I want to see the rest return. I feel it's kind of luck a good luck charm.
At first glance this photo is somewhat out of focus, with my dad being very out of focus. I was disappointed in it. But, after looking at it for a few minutes, with my dad slightly blurry and my mom more in focus, I felt something conveyed in the way he was looking at her. At 84 and 85, there won't be a whole lot more of these photos to capture.
Photographed by candlelight with camera resting on a stack of books. An exercise in low-light photography. Ended up with more of a "dreamy" quality....
During a fair weather day, my son was juggling the hockey ball on his stick. I happened to have my camera and captured the ball in a perfect position. What a clown!!!
Christmas morning 2008. My son had to wait for his sister before he could open the stocking treasures. Not sure whether it's anticipation or exasperation...
I must have taken 25 pictures to try to capture the fountains in EPCOT shooting tubes of water through the air. I had a lot of fun trying and I got a couple of successful captures. Photo was taken on 8/23/08.
I won knitting lessons in a raffle. I found, after taking four classes, that I love it. Here is my latest challenging project - a knitted "quilt". These are the five colors.
My puffy eyes this morning with a nasty, nasty headache - best idea I could come up with today. Headaches seem to be my "new best friend" anymore. Just thought I'd share.
I left a career as an insurance underwriter back in 1993 to stay at home with my kids and I have never once looked back. I've been fortunate to find a job that I can do from home and have done so for the last 16 years.
I am blessed with a great husband and two wonderful kids. Life doesn't get any better than that...well, throw in a beagle or two and it is a smidge better!
A love of our faith is #1 in our home and always will be.